Publishers Weekly / *Starred Review / LINK
Booklist / *Starred Review / LINK
Kirkus Reviews / Review / LINK
NPR Weekend Edition / Best of 2020 / LINK
The Baffler / Review / LINK
Brooklyn Rail / Review / LINK
New York Times / Richard Karn Cameo / LINK
Country Living / LINK
Wall Street Journal / Review / LINK
Chicago Review of Books / Review / LINK
A Bookworm’s World / Review / LINK
BOOKBROWSE / Review / Editor's Choice pick week of Feb 10 / LINK
TV Guidance Counselor / Podcast / Episode 498 / LINK
First Draft / Podcast / Glamorous World of Antique Mall Proprietorship / LINK
Thacker Mountain Radio Hour - Oxford, MS / “A Junk Store Kidnapping & A Southern Love Story” / LINK
KMUW - Wichita Public Radio / Marginalia / air date TK
KMUW - Wichita Public Radio / Book review / by Suzanne Tobias / LINK
WVXU-FM - Cincinnati Public Radio / Around Cincinnati / LINK
KGNU-FM in Denver, CO / Booktalk / LINK
Wichita Eagle / Mention / Best selling books / LINK
Sentinel-Tribune / Event write-up / “‘Heart’ author talks at Perrysburg bookstore” / LINK
Michigan Daily / Event Coverage / Literati event / LINK
Debutiful / Round-up / 6 debut books you should read this January / LINK
AV Club / Mention / 5 new books to read in January / LINK
The Millions / Round-up / Most Anticipated: First-Half 2020 Book Preview / LINK
Crime Reads / Round-up / January's Best Debut Crime Fiction / LINK
Crime Reads / Round-up / Most anticipated crime books of 2020: Part I / LINK
Publishers Weekly / Round-up / Books of the Week / LINK
Red Carpet Crash / Interview / LINK
Crime Reads / “Death by Audio: 10 Books About the Mysterious World of Audiophiles” / LINK
Mystery People / Interview / LINK
Westword / Interview / “Luke Geddes and His 'Heart of Junk'“ / LINK
Largehearted Boy / Playlist / LINK
Westword /Five Best Literary Events This Week / LINK
"[A] rambunctious, oddly touching debut...Geddes assembles an irresistible cast of self-deluded characters...his antic comic touch saves the novel from sinking into darkness, and he offers even his most misguided characters the opportunity to bumble towards redemption. This one’s a quirky treat for fans of flyover state humor." —Publishers Weekly
"Geddes has successfully woven a slightly dark comic mystery into the heart of a novel comprised of extended third-person character sketches...The writing here is hilarious and poignant, inviting belly laughs and thoughtful, genuinely moving introspection on how what we collect comes to define us." —Booklist
"A collection of wonderfully warped characters is on display in this dark, entertaining comedy...Readers who’ve gasped at a record-bin discovery or elbowed someone out of the way at an estate sale will enjoy this find." —Kirkus Reviews
"A hilarious novel that reads like a Christopher Guest movie set in an antiques mall. (Think Best in Show but with porcelain dogs!)" —Country Living
"A hilarious debut." —Sentinel-Tribune
"Enjoyable deep dives into the musty subculture of antique selling...quirky." —Wall Street Journal
"Entertaining...There's comedy and warmth in Luke Geddes' new novel, Heart Of Junk."
—WZXU - Around Cincinnati
"'Heart of Junk' is a comically dark, quirky treat, and one that Wichita readers in particular will treasure." —KMUW - Wichita Public Radio
"A clever, sharp book with lots of intriguing, well-drawn characters.” —Mystery People
"Equal parts eccentric and curious, Heart of Junk is a slice-of-life read that satirizes our society's obsessions with "stuff" and raises the question of what makes something valuable...Geddes does not disappoint." —Bookbrowse
"[A] hilarious debut novel...If you’ve ever enjoyed the thrill of the hunt for an object that others might find useless, this is the book for you." —Westword
"[It] absolutely hooked me. Heart of Junk was a wonderfully fun, quirky, satirical, entertaining novel. It kept me engaged from first page 'til last." —A Bookworm's World
"The standout touch of this novel is the hilarity of which Geddes writes with. His comic touch propels this novel into a story that will please the masses." —Debutiful
"At last! The crime fiction refutation of Marie Kondo’s minimalist philosophy we’ve all been waiting for." —Crime Reads
The Author, receiving many awards.